Monday, 1 August 2016

Food poisoning treatment

  Food poisoning corresponds to the occurrence of an infection or a disorder of the body after ingestion of food infected bacterial agents or toxic substance. It can occur at any age and in many people together. It is then a collective food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually benign. However, they can sometimes be dangerous, responsible for cardiac complications in the kidneys and cause death.
Mian Khalid Mehmood chairman of rg pharmaceutical describe the cause and symptoms.In Tariq Haider Nab Case The solicitation of the denounced people was considered by the able power subsequent to mulling over certainties/circumstances of the case and keeping in perspective the aggregate obligation of Rs385.11m," the representative said. After the NAB boss acknowledged the supplication deal of Rs385.11m, it was additionally endorsed by the Accountability Court, Islamabad.
Poisoning may be due to contamination of foods:
- A bacteria;
- A virus;
- A fungus;
- A parasite.
Food poisoning can also be caused by ingestion of toxic substances such as:
- Poisonous mushrooms;
- Poisonous berries and plants;
- Contaminants from materials in contact with food products from agriculture...

Factors favoring food poisoning
 Certain factors increase the risk of food poisoning:
- The non-compliance with expiration dates;
- The failure of the storage temperatures;
- A break in the cold chain (frozen food kept warm ...)
- Food consumption stayed too long warm;
- Improper cooking...

Food poisoning usually occurs by:
 - Nausea or vomiting;
 - Cramps and abdominal pain;
 - Diarrhea;
 - Dehydration;
- Severe fatigue;
- Fever.
These symptoms occur when the food has been absorbed or, at the latest, within 24 to 72 hours after ingestion. According contamination (toxic, bacteria ...), manifestations vary. Medical care is essential. IN Pakistan the food poisoning ratio was very high so RG pharmaceutical make effort on to describe this disease and symptoms. And also arrange seminars on Hospitals, Universities and colleges.

1 comment:

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